
Your Project Starts Here!

Need help with a Project? Don't have a budget yet? Let us help!

Average room addition cost range $100,000-$250,000 ( - having architectural drawings are required. If you do not already have drawings we can still assist you but we do charge for these services)

Average basement finishing project cost range $30,000-$75,000 ( - adding a bathroom or wet bar can easily push this project over $70,000)

Average Kitchen Remodel Project in the U.S. $30,000-$65,000 ( - items like tile, high end cabinets and solid surface countertops can easily push this project over $60,000)

Average Bathroom Remodel Project in the U.S. $10,000-$25,000 ( - items like tile, high end vanities and sinks can easily push this project over $20,000)



Call 1 (740) 785-6856 to order our services

Time and material rates for service and repair projects!

Hourly Labor rate

Per man per hour.

$85 per hour

Service Call and Consultations

Service call and four hour hours labor minimum ($490.00) Does not include material. In home assessment, consultation or service call fee of $150.00 due upon arrival.



Travel to pick up supplies for the job.

$85 per hour


All supplies and material will be added to the invoice including our mark up.

Not Included

Visa, MasterCard. Most credit cards accepted. Checks are accepted. 

Most small repairs are done on a time and materials basis. Budget estimates will be provided on larger projects. 

In Home Consultations

In home consultations start at $150.00. Written estimates and or designs are provided at a cost of $150.00 per hour. Large project estimates including kitchens, bathrooms,  and room additions typically require several hours to complete. Onsite visits and estimates required from our sub contractors are also billed at $150.00 per hour. Architect, Structural Engineer, Building Inspector Fees / Permits all separate and not included.

Tel.: (740) 785-6856
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